On 7 August 2023, the largest delegation of doctors to ever come to Parliament House voiced their concerns over Darwin’s Middle Arm gas precinct, warning of increased cancer rates and other devastating health consequences if the Federal Government funds the controversial project.
On 7 August 2023, the largest delegation of doctors to ever come to Parliament House voiced their concerns over Darwin’s Middle Arm gas precinct, warning of increased cancer rates and other devastating health consequences if the Federal Government funds the controversial project.
They came to show politicians their open letter, signed by almost 2,500 health professionals and around 10,000 people in total, which details concerns that fracking in the Northern Territory will create the world’s next “Cancer Alley” here in Australia.
At the beginning of the day, Canberrans joined with those from the NT to rally against the Albanese government providing $1.5 billion of taxpayer funding to a facility that puts the health of Darwin residents first.
Speakers called for the government to support the Duty of Care Bill and highlighted the need for the health and wellbeing of children and future generations.
The decision to subsidise the fossil fuel industry is exactly the sort of decision that should be subject to the requirements set out in the Duty of Care Bill.